You are currently browsing the daily archive for November 13, 2006.

How is it that in this Great country, that there are so many people with hardly anything; having to beg for food, having to swallow their pride and take government assistance, having to work for whatever someone will pay them, having to worry whether they will have enough this “two weeks” to make the utility bills and barely have enough to pay the mortgage.

How can it be that someone can work for company for the better part of 22 years and still have nothing to show for it? Is it that pay has not kept up with inflation? Is it that that person is lazy? Is it that that person is not dedicated to the company? Is it that that person is just naive and does not realize that they are the key to their own destiny? Do people really believe the idea that fate dealt them a bad hand? Or do they just not care, no self-esteem, no self-worth, no idea how life works? It is so easy to say “that person has it all”, just because they have money, nice things, material possessions, the best job. It is easy to say that, and people say it every day.

The truth it that some may have been born into money, but the majority of them had goals. They wanted to be someone, to make a difference, and were not afraid to do whatever it took to grasp the brass ring. Even if that meant stepping on others to do it; why must we as a people always step on each other to make it?

If you are out here feeling sorry for yourself because you do not have what the next guy has, do you want a free ride? How much effort have you put into making things happen for you? You were not dealt a bad hand of fate, fate is not some entity picking and choosing who will make it who will end up depressed, out of touch, and broke. Fate does not exist, it is just some person’s way to explain what bad things happened to them without having to take any responsibility for it; in other words, passing the buck so you save face. No it’s not my fault, it’s fate’s fault.

When will this kind of mentality end? It’s not the rich person’s fault you are not rich, and it sure is it not fate’s fault, so what is left? Look in the mirror!

Now I realize society can be related; taxes, fees, surcharges, APR, interest rates, pay scales, etc. But if you are that unhappy with your life, do something about it, get off your lazy rear, and go back to school, get a new job, just do something. Doing nothing and whining about it will never get you to where you deserve to be.

Be happy in whatever you do, life is too short to waste. I can go back to yesterday and beyond and come up with many instances that I did not take advantage of that are directly related to why I am where I am today. It was not my parents, it was not the kid that graduated Valedictorian from my High School class, it was not my cousins whom everyone say “he is where he is because he was always smart”, all the blame falls on me.

November 2006
